Lighter tanning result with NTE Mimosa: our range of natural tannins

Achieve lighter shades of naturally tanned leather with NTE Mimosa’s specialty vegetable extracts Mimosa Specialty Leather Tanning Products STAFF WRITER   |   26 October 2021 Controlling colour is an essential component of the vegetable leather-tanning process, and often a reason why tanneries are hesitant to experiment with natural tanning methods. The perception is that tanning leather with…

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Wattle Mimosa: The benefits of tanning the natural way

Mimosa extract from Acacia Mearnsii The benefits of tanning LEather the natural way STAFF WRITER   |   13 October 2021 Leather is among the earliest materials ever used by man and it’s earliest use can be traced to the Stone Age, where hunter gatherers used the skins of their kills for primitive shelter, clothing and toolmaking….

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